We’re on a Mission.
Nurturing Connection through Spirit & Nature.
We understand that social isolation and an increasing sense of disconnect are major challenges facing individuals in our fast-paced modern culture, exacerbated by limited community interaction and primarily digital communication. This widespread issue is negatively impacting many people’s emotional and physical health, and is threatening the well-being of communities at large.
We believe the remedy for this dilemma can be found in supportive human connection, creative expression, access to local resources, and a personal relationship with nature.
Our Solution?
A place where people can learn, interact and grow through programming that addresses our innate need to be creative, reinforces our understanding of our place in the natural world, strengthens our local community, and provides inclusive access to healing resources for all who would benefit.
The Intersection Retreat & Learning Center will provide an atmosphere that nurtures spirituality and connects people with a creative community that values harmony between all people and with nature.
Who do we serve?
At the Intersection, we recognize that every living being has intrinsic value. We know that diversity brings depth and resilience to our human experience, and inclusion is rooted in rich exploration of the intersectionality among the full spectrum of genders, ethnicities, age groups, neurodivergence, religions, economic status and relationship orientation.
We intend to explore creative solutions that make our programs and resources accessible to as wide a variety of individuals as possible, particularly those commonly disenfranchised, marginalized, or excluded from access to holistic services. We intend to create safe supportive spaces for diverse individuals to cultivate relationships with one another.
We understand, of course, that unconscious power dynamics, generational and racial trauma, economic disparity, mobility challenges, and various other factors pose systemic challenges around inclusion. We are dedicated to engaging in a grand social experiment to address these challenges head-on, to explore a variety of solutions, to seek support from leaders representing marginalized demographics in exchange for compensation, and to allow this inquiry to be fundamental to our Mission as we learn and grow together.
Our Approach
Healthy Communication
Clear and compassionate communication is fundamental to any thriving community. We apply foundations of non-violent communication and other pioneering communication models to enhance relationships, increase emotional safety, provide constructive feedback, and encourage self-inquiry.
Conflict Management
Any collaborative community is bound to experience interpersonal conflict, so we believe it is necessary to have structures in place to directly address grievances, mediate challenges among community members, and create resolution that ultimately leads to greater understanding, trust, and connection.
Creative Problem-solving
An important aspect of creativity includes the capacity to see any issue from multiple angles, to draw insight from a variety of sources, and to connect with a greater source of inspiration in order to craft unique multi-level solutions. At the Intersection, we see this as a necessary skill to develop and put into practice within program offerings and across organizational structures.
We know that humans thrive when they have something to dedicate their passion and creativity towards. There is nothing more rewarding than feeling like we are here in service to something greater than ourselves, and that we are working together to make a positive impact.
Service to the Greater Good
Meet us at the Intersection of Artistic Expression, Social Justice, Spiritual Development, and Relationship Building
We envision a respectful, inclusive and affirming space for gatherings of people pursuing equality, conscious human connection, personal spiritual growth, and environmental awareness.
Our centers are for anyone with an interest in expanding their relationship with nature, a wish to develop their creativity, a need to build better relationships with other individuals, and a desire to create a thriving community that gives back in meaningful ways. We will provide structured and unstructured opportunities for expressive creativity, healing interactions, and direct experience with the natural world.